Fall 2017 Color

Type: Journal
Price: $15.00
Availability: Usually ships within 10 business days.



"Category Is: Rainbow Linen Realness" by Danny Orendorff
"Marie Watt and an Ecology of Cultural Imagination" by Fiona P. McDonald, PhD.
"Following the Creative Path of Color Theory" by Sharla Jean Hoskin
"Jeffrey Gibson: Post-Contact" by Jenelle Porter
"Josh Faught: The Prose of Safe Spaces" by Leora Lutz
"Black Fashion Designers" by Eulanda Sanders
"Recreating 14th Century Silks" by Julie Holyoke
By Design, "Trending Now: Earth Matters" by Monika Auch
In the Studio, "Sustainable Studio Design & Environmental Responsibility" by Gretchen Morrissey
First Person by Joanne Arnett
On Display by Lauren Sinner
In Print, "Queer Threads" by Lauren Sinner
Made Aware,"Ramekon O’Arwisters" by Leora Lutz
Spotlight on Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
In Review, "documenta 14" by Beatrijs Sterk / "The 57th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia" by Beatrijs Sterk / "Franz Erhard Walther: A Place for the Body" by Brooks Harris Stevens

Neon CRM by Neon One